Blocks & control flow

Explicit blocks

Blocks can be explicitly delimited by enclosing a series of statements in curly brackets.

  var x = 1 -- only visible inside the block

is translated to

  local x = 1

If, while, repeat

Control structures work the same way in Hurdy as they do in Lua, with the difference that word delimiters for blocks (e.g., do ... end) are replaced with C-style curly brackets.

if expr1 {
elseif expr2 {
else {

while expr {

repeat {
until expr

Curly brackets are optional if the block containes a single statement:

if x == true

For loops

The same applies to for loops, both numeric and generic

for x = 1, #t {

for k,v in ipairs(t) {

Curly brackets are optional if the block containes a single statement.

Continue statement

Hurdy includes a continue statement that can be used to skip to the end of the current iteration of a loop. This features requires a version of Lua that supports the goto statement.

Internally this works by translating the continue to goto continue and adding a ::continue:: label at the end of the loop:

for i = 1, 10 {
  if i == 2 continue

is translated to the Lua code

for i = 1, 10 do
    if i == 2 then goto continue end

The inner block of the loop in enclosed in an additional explicit block to allow nested continue statements.

Break & return

break and return statements work the same as in Lua, with the difference that when compiled they are always wrapped in a do ... end block. This allows to return or break in the middle of a block/chunk.